Arjun Katoch is a former Colonel from the Parachute Regiment of the Indian Army who took voluntary retirement in 1991. He worked with the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) from 1993 till his retirement from the UN in Dec 2009. He has worked in the field on conflict issues in Somalia, Armenia and the Great Lakes Region of Africa. From 1999 -2009 he was Chief, Field Coordination Support Section of the UN OCHA, Geneva and responsible for the immediate international emergency response to over 140 major disasters around the world as the manager of the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) team and International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG). He has deployed to the field in response to most major disasters including the Indian Ocean tsunami 2004, Pakistan earthquake 2005, Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar 2008, the Japan earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear emergency 2011 and the Nepal earthquake 2015. After retirement from the UN he works as a Disaster Management Advisor.
Jagdeep has over 32 years of professional experience of which 10 years were spent in military service. An alumnus of the University of New Haven, USA and the Computer Security Institute, San Francisco, Jagdeep is a pioneer in cyber security and cyber forensics in Asia. He was extensively involved in helping companies resurrect their IT systems and processes post the 9/11 attack in the US. Jagdeep has worked with over 30 Fortune 500 companies in formulating and executing disaster recovery and resiliency plans. He has been a consultant and advisor to the Governments of India, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, UAE, USA and Jordan.
Rajendra Dave has over 30 years of experience in Disaster and Risk Management in the Army and corporate environment specializing in information security and assurance, personnel and physical security. Dave gained extensive hands-on understanding in information security and risk management initiatives for corporate and government sectors in India and abroad, operations management and product development. Dave, formerly from a parachute engineers unit, served the Army with distinction between 1988-2001, specializing in NBC Protection and Bomb Disposal. A Gold Medalist from the Indian Military Academy, Dave served tenure as an instructor with the Faculty of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection and briefly served with the Army’s Controllerate for Quality Assurance. He was one of the only professional respondents outside of the USA to the anthrax mail threats of 2001, defining threat response for a Fortune 10 company. As part of the NBC team, he has conducted Disaster Management training for military and civil officers.
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